Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wedding Wednesday: 30 Day Update

It's the final countdown!
Here is my 30 day countdown update. (It's more like 20 days, but who's counting?) 
I wanted to get this up last Wednesday and time just got away from me. I feel like I have had an event almost every single day the last 2 weeks. Tis the season! 
Anyway today I just want to talk about how I'm feeling and all the things I have been doing in the past month. 
Let's start with how I'm feeling. 
I'm currently feeling all the emotions. 
First and foremost I am super excited. I am excited to marry J and start our life as husband and wife. I'm excited for the day to be here and share that with all our friends and family. I'm excited to see everything finally come together and just have the BEST time with everyone. I know that even if something goes wrong the day will still be absolutely perfect! 
I'm starting to get a little nervous. I'm not nervous about the actual getting married part. That part I'm really excited and ready for. I'm nervous for a lot of other things. What if something goes wrong? I know everyone says they never know if something went wrong, but you plan so long and put in so much work you just want everything to be right. I'm also nervous that I'm going to cry. I mean I know I'll cry, but I hope it's only a little and a small cute cry not a huge uncontrollable sob. haha
I'm also really nervous about the ceremony. 150+ people will all be staring at me and J! I know I'll black out. (I always do in moments like that.) However, on the off chance I don't I will probably freeze and not be able to repeat my vows. haha
I'm also not going to sugarcoat things... I have definitely been a little stressed. I would say the last 30-45 days is crunch time. All your vendors start reaching out to finalize things and for payments. You also have to start ordering all the little things like a guestbook, signs, table assignments, gifts, etc. (Unless you're just really ahead of the game.) There were also things I forgot about like a cake server and card box. Luckily my wedding planner went over everything with me and a girl I work with just got married and helped me make a list and check it 10000 times. 
The seating chart has also been a lot to take on. And did I mention J has been in Australia for the last 3.5 weeks while all this was going on? He helped as much as he could, but with the time change and not being here it was tough. Just remember to breath and know it will all get done. Lean on your fiancé, wedding planner, friends, and family as much as you can.
I know that can be easier said than done. This whole wedding planning experience has made me realize how hard it is for me to delegate tasks and let go. I've always struggled with that, but especially during wedding planning. My advice here would be to let everyone help if you can. Let them make a phone call, let them do research, let them go to an appointment with you. 

Now let's talk about what I've been doing in the last couple weeks leading up to the 30 day countdown. 
We did our 30 day walk through right before Thanksgiving. (It was a little earlier than 30 days, but I'm kind of thankful for that.) 
Once we did that and got our seating layout it was time to start working on the seating chart. I've also been ordering so many things like I said above. Think guest book, seating cards, signs, card box, cake topper, etc. I also finally ordered our cake 2 weeks ago. We waited way later than I would have liked, but I'm just thankful it's done. We also waited until right before Thanksgiving to find someone to marry us. (oops!) 
I've been finalizing a lot of last minute things with vendors and paying outstanding balances. We still need to work on our DJ list and fill out some forms for our photographer and videographer. Once that is done and all our booze is bought I think we will be in a good place. I did delegate the booze to J's parents so yay me! haha

I know I haven't been the best about keeping up with Wedding Wednesday posts. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of things to share. I promise in 2020 I will be sharing so so much from the wedding planning process. It will also be a lot easier to share because some things I don't want to give away until the big day. 
Stay tuned for lots of wedding content coming soon! 

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